Lex Perkovic

Reding: Croatian gov't is doing harm to Croatia

10.09.2013 u 12:09


The Croatian government, with its policy concerning Lex Perkovic, is doing harm to Croatia and its reputation, European Union Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding told the Croatian commercial television network RTL from Strasbourg on Monday.

If a country does not honour what it has signed and goes against its word, its promises and the law, then it is the responsibility of the European Commission to say that it cannot go like that, the commissioner said.

Reding said in Brussels last Friday that she expected swift and unconditional amendment of the Croatian law on the implementation of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), popularly known in Croatia as Lex Perkovic, and that she had the support of the entire Commission for it.

A few days before joining the European Union, Croatia passed a law on judicial cooperation with EU member states in criminal matters, limiting the application of the EAW to crimes committed after 2002.