Croatia in EU

Croatian flag hoisted outside Strasbourg city hall

02.07.2013 u 09:30


After being hoisted outside the European Parliament on the first day of Croatia's membership of the European Union on Monday, the Croatian flag was also raised outside the city hall in Strasbourg, a city symbolising European reconciliation.

A Croatian parliamentary delegation led by Speaker Josip Leko, Croatian members of the EP and many guests attended the flag-hoisting outside the city hall.

"This Croatian flag represents the generations of Croats who waited for the day when Croatia would become sovereign and anchored in the European area of peace and democracy. The Croatian flag will wave for the more than 15,000 Croatian defenders who gave their lives for Croatia's freedom and independence. It will wave as proof of the success of a country which had the wisdom and the courage to embark on a journey of reconciliation, development and progress," Leko said in an address.

Strasbourg Mayor Roland Ries said Croatia would be a guest country at this year's traditional Christmas Fair in Strasbourg.

On the occasion of Croatia's EU accession, Strasbourg launched a communication campaign to help its residents get to know the EU's new member.