War crimes

Investigation into war crimes suspect from Borovo

05.05.2011 u 22:08


The County Prosecutor's Office in Vukovar has requested that an investigation be opened into a 51-year-old man from Borovo, who is suspected of having caused, as a commander of the former Yugoslav People's Army local Territorial Defence unit during the war in Croatia, the deaths of 38 Croatian civilians.

According to unofficial reports, the suspect is Radenko Alavanja, who holds Croatian citizenship and resides in Serbia.

The county prosecutor's office believes that on November 19-21, 1991, the suspect had allowed that enemy units physically mistreat and kill civilians captured in Vukovar's Borovo Naselje neighbourhood and the Borovo Commerce company, where a part of the town's wartime hospital was located. The civilians were imprisoned in a school in the former Borovo Selo, today Borovo.

The county prosecutor's office also requested placing the suspect in custody.