Najstarija kći Brucea Willisa i Demi Moore osvanula u donjem rublju na društvenim mrežama

22.05.2020 u 14:07


Već nekoliko dana Rumer Willis koristi prostor na društvenim mrežama kako bi pokazala svoje golišavo tijelo, a sve kako bi poslala pozitivnu sliku o njemu

'Ovo je jedna od objava u kojoj ću iskazati zahvalnost vlastitom tijelu jer važno je da slavimo sami sebe. I to ne zato što smo možda izgubili koji kilogram i došli do željenog konfekcijskog broja ili pak zato što u rijetkim trenucima izgledamo baš onako kako nam predstavljaju da moramo izgledati. Već zato što naše tijelo čini toliko toga za nas i naporno radi', započela je poduži post na svom Instagram profilu Rumer Willis, 31-godišnja kći glumačkog para Brucea Willisa i Demi Moore.

Rumer je već godinama dobro poznata javnosti, no golišave fotke nisu joj nalik. Zato je ovime itekako privukla pažnju javnosti. Na fotografiji pozira u sportskom donjem rublju i ističe kako zna da nije savršena, no zahvaljuje svome tijelu na svemu.

'Jako dobro znam da je teško u ovoj karanteni ostati dosljedan i na pronaći utjehu u hrani. Isto tako, teško je koncentrirati se na trening i zdravu prehranu. Vrlo je bitno biti zadovoljan samim sobom i svojim izgledom. Budite sretni u vlastitoj koži bez obzira na sve. Ako si konstantno tražite mane, nikada nećete u potpunosti biti sretni', poručila je potom Rumer.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

This is just an appreciation post for my body 💪🏼because I think it’s important to celebrate ourselves. Not because we lost weight or we are a certain size or because we have a rare moment when a photo looks “how we think it should to be accepted by mainstream” My body does so much for me and works so hard for me. But more often than not the only thing it hears it what is wrong with it. What is lacking or what there is too much of. I am a fault of this all too often. Being in quarantine and struggling to find a new routine and not using food to find comfort when you are stuck at home all day is hard. Finding discipline to workout from home and eat healthy is hard and it’s ok not to be perfect, I’m certainly not. What is important is to find ways to be happy where you are at and not make being a perfect size or weight or hair color or body shape some goal that you can only find happiness and acceptance of you reach it. Because you will never be happy if that is the case because there will always be something wrong. When we look in the mirror or at a photo we usually just go to all the things “wrong” not the unique beauty. I had a moment today after I worked out and I took this picture and I tried just for a moment to just see all the amazing things and not my “perceived flaws”. I took a moment to acknowledge myself and my body and how much it does and I said thank you for being just as you are and even just for today I release the idea that to be beautiful or desirable you have to be anything other that what you are right now. I wanted to share this in hopes that maybe it may inspire you to do the same 🤎 Ru

Objavu dijeli Rumer Willis (@rumerwillis)

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