Karamarko: All vanities must be annulled

23.05.2012 u 14:26


The newly elected president of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ), Tomislav Karamarko, said on Wednesday after a session of the HDZ parliamentary group that the so-called election tensions had passed, adding that all vanities of both those who won and those who lost must be annulled.

"We are a strong party and we will show with our behaviour how strong and democratic we are," Karamarko said.

Commenting on the non-arrival of the president of the HDZ parliamentary group, Jadranka Kosor, to this morning's session, Karamarko said Kosor experienced some shoulder pain and was unable to attend.

Asked why he had not answered calls from Kosor, who told the media she wanted to congratulate him on winning the intra-party elections, Karamarko said "this must be some sort of mistake because I never saw her call and I have her number memorised in my phone."

Declining to answer in detail if there would be staff changes in the party, Karamarko said "there will be some refreshments."

Asked about the elections in the HDZ and when the new election would be held, Karamarko said that was in the future and he was not in a Nostradamus mood.

He told reporters that yesterday he talked to Damir Sesvecan who represents the HDZ in the Fimi Media case.