Property restitution

Church slams reports about transfer of former communist property to church

12.11.2011 u 00:07


The Zagreb Archdiocesan Chancery issued a statement on Friday dismissing as fabrications media reports that an agreement had been reached under which the State would transfer to the Catholic Church the ownership of former Communist institutions - the Political School of the League of Communists and the Research Centre in Kumrovec - in compensation for a part of the property confiscated from the Catholic Church during the Communist regime.

"In light of continued attempts to spread untruths, we want to let our believers and the entire Croatian public know that the Church's enemies are using lies to once more confuse people, cause divisions, and foment hostility towards the Church and its servants, depicting them as insensitive to the poor and to social issues in general, as greedy and obsessed with material wealth," reads the statement sent to the media by the press office of the Zagreb Archdiocese.

The statement noted that at the same time nothing was being said about "the plunder committed by the Communist authorities."