Sanader case

Start of Sanader's trial to be broadcast live

03.11.2011 u 00:14


The start of the trial of former prime minister Ivo Sanader, namely his arraignment for war profiteering and the opening statements by both parties, will be broadcast live, the Zagreb County Court reported on Monday.

Court spokesman Kresimir Devcic said that a live broadcast and picture-taking in the courtroom would be allowed several minutes before the start of the main hearing, scheduled for 9.30 AM. He called on all those covering the trial to follow the order and respect orders issued by the judicial police.

The spokesman said picture-taking would not be allowed outside the courtroom. He said everything was ready for the start of the trial on Thursday, adding that there were no indications that the trial could be postponed because of Sanader's condition.

Last week's arraignment failed after an expert witness established that Sanader was unfit to stand the hearing.