'Inappropriate reaction'

Seks says he is sorry for his behaviour

14.10.2011 u 13:20


Deputy Parliament Speaker Vladimir Seks of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) said in parliament on Friday that he was sorry for having insulted MPs two days ago by his "inappropriate reaction".

"I would like to extend apologies for my inappropriate reaction at the parliamentary Credentials and Privileges Commission after I was provoked by inappropriate reaction and behaviour of parliamentary deputies of the Social Democratic party (SDP)," Seks said adding that he would like to apologise to everybody who felt hurt by his reaction and to the Croatian public.

Commenting on Seks's apology, Parliament Speaker Luka Bebic said that it was good that a parliamentary deputy apologised for heated words.

Attending the parliamentary Credentials and Privileges Commission on Wednesday, Seks made sexist remarks against SDP MP Gordana Sobol and asked her whether her husband was in prison.