Evo tko će naslijediti Lagerfelda: Imenovana nova kreativna direktorica kuće Chanel

20.02.2019 u 11:21


Virginie Viard, ravnateljica Chanelova kreativnog studija preuzet će dužnost koju je dosad obavljao danas preminuli Karl Lagerfeld te će postati nova kreativna direktorica te modne kuće, objavila je uprava Chanela

'Suvlasnik tvrtke Chanel, Alain Wertheimer zadaću stvaranja povjerio je dosadašnjoj ravnateljici Chanelova kreativnog studija i najbližoj Karlovoj suradnici, koja je na toj dužnosti provela više od 30 godina. Ona će biti zadužena za nove kolekcije kroz koje će živjeti ostavština Gabrielle Chanel i Karla Lagerfelda', stoji u priopćenju tvrtke.

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It is with deep sadness that the House of CHANEL announces the passing of Karl Lagerfeld, the Creative Director for the CHANEL Fashion House since 1983. An extraordinary creative individual, Karl Lagerfeld reinvented the brand’s codes created by Gabrielle Chanel: the CHANEL jacket and suit, the little black dress, the precious tweeds, the two-tone shoes, the quilted handbags, the pearls and costume jewelry. Regarding Gabrielle Chanel, he said, “My job is not to do what she did, but what she would have done. The good thing about Chanel is it is an idea you can adapt to many things.” A prolific creative mind with endless imagination, Karl Lagerfeld explored many artistic horizons, including photography and short films. The House of CHANEL benefited from his talent for all the branding campaigns related to Fashion since 1987. Finally, one cannot refer to Karl Lagerfeld without mentioning his innate sense of repartee and self-mockery. Alain Wertheimer, CEO of CHANEL, said: “Thanks to his creative genius, generosity and exceptional intuition, Karl Lagerfeld was ahead of his time, which widely contributed to the House of CHANEL’s success throughout the world. Today, not only have I lost a friend, but we have all lost an extraordinary creative mind to whom I gave carte blanche in the early 1980s to reinvent the brand.” Bruno Pavlovsky, President of Fashion at CHANEL, said: “Fashion show after fashion show, collection after collection, Karl Lagerfeld left his mark on the legend of Gabrielle Chanel and the history of the House of CHANEL. He steadfastly promoted the talent and expertise of CHANEL’s ateliers and Métiers d’Art, allowing this exceptional know-how to shine throughout the world. The greatest tribute we can pay today is to continue to follow the path he traced by – to quote Karl – ‘continuing to embrace the present and invent the future’.” Virginie Viard, Director of CHANEL’s Fashion Creation Studio and Karl Lagerfeld’s closest collaborator for more than 30 years, has been entrusted by Alain Wertheimer with the creative work for the collections, so that the legacy of Gabrielle Chanel and Karl Lagerfeld can live on.

Objavu dijeli CHANEL (@chanelofficial)

Karl Lagerfeld je Virginie Viard rado nazivao 'svojom desnom i lijevom rukom'. 'Da je izgubim, bio bih paraliziran', rekao je svojedobno. 

  • +3
Karl Lagerfeld Izvor: Profimedia / Autor: Profimedia

Upravo se ona 22. siječnja na kraju modne revije u Grand Palaisu naklonila publici i pozdravila je umjesto Lagerfelda koji je, kako su organizatori kazali izostao s događaja jer je bio 'umoran'.

U jednom od rijetkih intervjua, koji je dala 2017. časopisu Madame Figaro, Viard je ispričala kako u 3D tehnici pravi skice za svojeg mentora.

'Dugo se poznajemo i vrlo lako pretačem njegove zamisli u skice. Imamo sedam radionica, godišnje osam kolekcija, no Karl sve vodi'.

Tada je također otkrila da se Karlu obraća s 'Vi'.

'On je jedina osoba koju tako dobro poznajem, a obraćam joj se s 'Vi'. I to mi se jako sviđa'.

Slavni je dizajner, kako su prenijeli svjetski mediji, preminuo u 86. godini. Iako nije poznato kad je Lagerfeldu dijagnosticirana bolest, objavljeno je da je preminuo od raka gušterače. Iako javnost nije bila svjesna dizajnerove bolesti, svima je bilo jasno kako nešto nije u redu kad se 22. siječnja nije naklonio publici u Parizu.