EU accession

Schulz: Croatia should join EU on 1 July 2013, as planned

16.10.2012 u 13:42


European Parliament Speaker Martin Schulz, German politician and Member of the European Parliament for the Social Democratic Party of Germany, has told Reuters that the date set for Croatia's entry into the European Union, 1 July 2013, should not be touched, responding thus to German Bundestag President Norbert Lammert's suggestion that the enlargement of the EU should be suspended for the time being.

The latest report by the European Commission on Croatia's progress has partly been critical concerning the country's reforms, Schulz told Reuters on Tuesday, adding thar "there are a few points which must be improved".

Clear agreements have been concluded with Croatia. I hold: 'Pacta sunt servanda'. Therefore Croatia must get its date of admission, Schulz said.

This German MEP expressed conviction that Croatia would undertake all that was necessary to fulfill the Commission's expectations, notably with regard to the improvement of the police and judicial system.

German Economy Minister Philipp Roesler told the RuhrNachrichten newspaper on Tuesday that he was positive that Croatia would carry out its tasks in time for its entry into the EU on 1 July 2013.

Lammert, however, doubts Croatia's readiness for EU membership.

According to previous announcements, the German parliament is to ratify the Croatia-EU accession treaty next spring.