Peaceful protest

Croatian women protest outside Hague tribunal

15.11.2011 u 12:19


About 80 members of the Croatian association "Women in the Homeland War" began a peaceful protest outside the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague on Tuesday morning, dissatisfied with the tribunal's treatment of Croatian victims and veterans.

The protest coincides with a conference on the global legacy of the ICTY which is being held in The Hague on Tuesday and Wednesday. The protesters lit 20 candles outside the ICTY building, read out the names of people killed in the defence of Croatia during the 1991-1995 war, and handed out leaflets entitled "We Are the Voice of the Croatian Victim".

The purpose of the protest is "to raise our voice as Croatian women, mothers, soldiers, exiles and sufferers against the injustice of the Hague tribunal towards Croatian victims and veterans," the association's president Ivana Haberle said.

Haberle said that the ICTY has lost touch with what justice is. "The result is that the criminals have been released, while our liberators are in prison. It aims to apportion the blame between victims and criminals and portray the Homeland War as a civil and fratricidal war. We cannot allow that to happen," she added.