Povratak najbolje - Mikaele Shiffrin; svi se pitaju u kakvom se stanju vraća nakon tragedije, a ona ne taji da je njezina obitelj slomljena

05.03.2020 u 17:32


Američka skijašica Mikaela Shiffrin, osvajačica tri Velika kristalna globusa, vraća se utrkama Svjetskoga kupa nakon tragedije koja je zadesila njezinu obitelj

Shiffrin je početkom veljače iznenada preminuo otac Jeff (65). Do tog trenutka vodeća skijašica u ukupnom poretku Svjetskoga kupa (s 1225 bodova) prekinula je natjecanje i vratila se u Ameriku.

Talijanka Federica Brignone (1378 bodova) u međuvremenu je pretekla Shiffrin u ukupnom poretku. Isto tako mlada Amerikanka je otišla kao prva u slalomu u veleslalomu, a u tim disciplinama sada gleda u leđa Slovakinji Petri Vlhovoj.

'Danas letim za Skandinaviju. Ne znam hoću li se uopće moći natjecati kada za to dođe vrijeme, a nemam ni ciljeve. Nadam se samo da ću odraditi par dobrih spuštanja. Mislim da bi to mog oca usrećilo. Ako se i kad se vratim natjecanju, molim da se i dalje poštuje moja privatnost, posebno što se tiče moje slomljene obitelji', napisala je Shiffrin.

Natjecanje u Svjetskom kupu skijašice nastavljaju 12. ožujka u Äreu, a tek ćemo vidjeti koliko je smrt oca utjecala na mladu Amerikanku koja bi u budućnosti mogla srušiti sve moguće rekorde ukoliko iznenada ne prekine karijeru...

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Over the last few weeks, my family and I have received an overwhelming amount of support and love. The most kind and heartwarming messages you could imagine, checking in on us, sharing quotes and poems, song-lyrics, and telling wonderful stories about my Dad. Sometimes it feels like we are drowning in these messages, like we can’t keep up with the support and love that everyone has shown, yet in so many ways it has also been our lifeline. We have not been able to respond to everything, but we want you all to know that we feel your love, and we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing it with us. Many have asked how we are doing, and where we are in the “grieving process”? The truth is, we haven’t really even started. Accepting this new “reality” is going to take a long time, and maybe we never truly will, maybe we don’t have to. Because we can still feel him here. In our hearts, in our thoughts, in the sky and mountains and snow. He made his mark, and he is here. Many have also asked about my return to skiing and racing. I have been able to train a little bit over the last few weeks. It has been a slow process, but it has been theraputic to be on the mountain. I’ve found training to be a place where I can feel closer to my dad, yet it provides enough of a distraction so that feeling of “closeness” can be separated from the pain. I am flying to Scandinavia today. I have no promises if I’ll actually be able to race when the time comes, and I don’t really even have goals. I just hope to make a few good turns. I think that would make my dad happy. If and when I do return to competition I’d ask that you continue to respect my privacy, especially as it relates to my family’s heartbreak. We are so thankful for the time we had with him—we cherish every single one of those moments—and we will keep him here in our hearts and our memories forever. 🤍

Objavu dijeli Mikaela Shiffrin ⛷💨 (@mikaelashiffrin)

Već s 24 godine ima pet svjetskih i dva olimpijska zlata, a u Svjetskom kupu uz osvojena tri Velika kristalna globusa ima 66 pobjeda te čak 96 postolja. Ovo joj je deveta sezona u ovom natjecanju, a često je puta kao svoj skijaški uzor isticala Janicu Kostelić.

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Svjetski kup u slalomu za žene, Kranjska Gora Izvor: EPA / Autor: ANTONIO BAT