Kći princa Alberta nakon gotovo dva mjeseca od zaraze koronavirusom, završila u bolnici zbog pogoršanja simptoma

20.08.2020 u 17:29


Jazmin Grace Grimaldi, 28-godišnja kći princa Alberta od Monaka koju je dobio tijekom kratke veze s Amerikankom Tamarom Jeanom Rotolo, hospitalizirana je tijekom vikenda zbog pogoršanja simptoma koronavirusa, a uz bol u plućima i iscrpljujuće migrene, pojavio joj se i osip sličan vodenim kozicama

Da je zaražena koronavirusom Jazmin je objavila još početkom srpnja, kad je navela da pati od simptoma poput iscrpljujućih migrena i vrućice koja je trajala tri ili četiri dana.

Prošloga je petka primljena u bolnicu jer su joj se simptomi pogoršali, a na kućni oporavak puštena je nakon pet dana.

'Liječnici o ovom virusu još uvijek uče i priznaju da su vidjeli i druge slučajeve slične mom. Nisam frustrirana, samo želim da mojem tijelu bude ugodnije i mirnije', napisala je Grimaldi u podužoj objavi na Instagramu nakon izlaska iz bolnice.

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I am proud to be a woman. I am never going to throw away my right to vote or disrespect my female ancestors who took a stand. Today we celebrate 100 years since the 19th amendment was passed so that women could vote! I am happy to announce I sent in my absentee ballot today, GO 🗳 VOTE! Those of you may know I have been struggling with my Health due to Covid. My immunity may be knocked down for a little while longer but my spirit is high, I’m a strong woman, I’m a survivor. I am happy to admit I’m out of the hospital and now I am home on this winding road to recovery. However, I was admitted to the hospital over the weekend because my symptoms continued to worsen since I last checked in on Friday. I developed a chicken pox like rash and continued having uncomfortable body aches with longer severe pain by my lungs /rib cage, flashes of fever, and debilitating migraines. I had a series of tests taken: blood work, urine test and chest X-ray. My white blood cells and my lymphocytes are low and my CRP aka inflammation in the body is higher than normal which are all indicators of the Covid virus still affecting the body. Regardless, if I continue to carry the same strain or have a new one my body is in fact still fighting the virus. I have been put on antibiotics for possible covid related pneumonia caught in the early stages and due to a small nodule found on my right lung which could be from Covid damage too. I will get a check up again in a few weeks and continue to monitor my symptoms. The doctors are still learning and confessed they have seen other cases similar to mine. I am beyond frustrated and just want my body to find peace and comfort. The pain is so uncomfortable and debilitating and there is not much to do but to rest, and ice packs for some relief. I am sharing my story so that all of you can be aware and maybe share in similar symptoms. The Covid virus is so strong and mysterious. I know we are all over talking about Covid, hearing about Covid and living in fear or disbelief of this virus. Believe me I am more than ready to be done myself but unfortunately I have no choice. Listen to your body! Protect yourself, to protect others.Take care!

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'Bol je vrlo neugodna i iscrpljujuća i nemate baš puno toga čime si možete pomoći, osim odmarati se i olakšati si ledenim oblozima. Dijelim svoje iskustvo kako bi podigla svijest i pronašla možda nekog sa sličnim simptomima', napisala je Grimaldi.

U videozapisu kojega je objavila u petak, Grimaldi je svojim pratiteljima rekla kako je doživjela niz novih simptoma, uključujući osip sličan vodenim kozicama, neugodnu bol u tijelu s dužim i jačim bolovima u plućima i rebrima, valunge i iscrpljujuće migrene.

Nizom testova u petak joj je utvrđena niska razina bijelih krvnih zrnaca i limfocita, kao i drugi pokazatelji koji ukazuju da je virus aktivan, zbog čega je donešena odluka o hospitalizaciji.

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Listen to your body! 🙏🏻❤️

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Grimaldi objašnjava da liječnici još uvijek nisu sigurni je li njezino stanje rezultat ranije otkrivenog soja virusa ili je pokupila neki novi. Zbog male kvržice pronađene na desnom plućnom krilu i mogućnosti da se radi o upali uzrokovanoj COVID-om, prepisali su joj antibiotike.

Grimaldi je o svom stanju s koronavirusom izvijestila i prije četiri tjedna kad je konačno osjetila poboljšanje.

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I am so thankful that I am starting to finally feel like myself today after almost three weeks since I first felt Covid symptoms. I am grateful to be alive and healthy at this present moment. We take so much for granted including our health, our bodies our precious miraculous temples! I do in fact have Covid symptoms that continue to linger and pop up on and off again. Ex: headaches, ear aches, fatigue and diarrhea. I am just trying to do all I can to gain my strength back and build my immunity, patience is key but I am happily on the road to recovery. I’m here standing strong as one of the many survivors of this vicious mysterious virus but I am also an advocate. I want to be a reminder to each of you that this virus can affect you, a family member or someone you love. Please don’t be careless even if you personally seem to not have symptoms or think you have immunity. Think of the others beyond yourself that our helpless. We don’t have enough answers but a lot of cases continue to increase and even people have begun to relapse and contract the virus again. The immune response, including duration of immunity, to SARS-CoV-2 infection is not yet understood. There are still a lot of questions and unknown answers yet to reveal themselves. What I have learned is that even while being cautious you can get this virus that’s what’s scary. Everyone carries the virus differently and affects the immune system differently. So let’s please be patient and continue to be cautious. please continue to wear your mask, social distance, sanitize and quarantine ! I’m in the quarantine club and it’s cool 😎! Be safe! 💕💕💕 I’m counting on us conquering this pandemic together! Ps no filter just golden hour at home, loving nature’s natural remedies ☀️ 💤 🍊 💦 ! Thank you for all the love and well wishes you’ve sent! The biggest gift is to please take this Pandemic seriously!!!!!

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'Osjećam veliku zahvalnost što se danas, nakon gotovo tri tjedna otkako sam prvi put osjetila simptome COVID-a, konačno osjećam kao ja', otkrila je Grimaldi i dodala kako su simptomi još prisutni i naizmjence se stišavaju i ponovno pojavljuju.