Gigi Hadid bi radije umrla nego trčala u dvorani

09.12.2019 u 21:54


Kad putuje, 24-godišnja manekenka Gigi Hadid nemoguće je pronaći u teretani. Lijepa djevojka nikad ne trči u zatvorenome

Gigi Hadid zbog posla često provodi vrijeme putujući po svijetu, no nije ljubiteljica teretana.

'Jednostavno ne mogu ići u teretanu trčati. Radije bih umrla. Rasla sam u prirodi, pa mi je najdraža stvar sjesti na bicikl i voziti po raznim stazama i plivati u moru', rekla je Gigi Hadid.

Manekenka je trenutno u Senegalu za UNICEF. Dok je tamo učit će kako pomoći ženama i djeci, pogotovo žrtvama nasilja.

'Ne samo da je u zadnjih deset godina 250 djece rođeno u skloništu za žene i djecu, već u njemu živi i siročad koje šalje Ministarstvo pravde Senegala. Majke i njihova djeca ostat će u skloništu dok ne pronađu snagu i vještine koje im trebaju da bi se mogli vratiti u rodno naselje. Siročad će ostati u skloništu do svoje osme godine, nakon čega ih netko može posvojiti', napisala je Gigi Hadid u svojoj objavi na Instagramu.

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Today we visited a @UNICEF supported shelter, for women and girl victims of abuse, in Dakar. After being raped and/or impregnated from a sexual attack, it is common that these girls are shunned from their families and kicked out of their homes. Some women travel from very rural parts of the country, some even coming from other countries (one girl we met today is from Libya). After traveling sometimes to many cities trying to find their ground, most girls learn about this home through word-of-mouth; no one will be turned down and they will be supported physically, emotionally, and psychologically here. Employees and volunteers of the shelter, lead by the founder Mona Chasserio and her colleague Danielle Hueges, shown in the photos, encourage the girls to share and find community through their hardship. They are taught to find the positive in their motherhood and relationship with their child, to love and care for them properly, and to nurture their passions, whether it be garment making, agriculture, sports, etc. and learn a skill set that will help them be able to enter the workplace upon their departure from the shelter. Not only have about 250 children been born in this shelter in the last 10 years (15 births have taken place between October and November of this year, and the youngest mother being only ten years old), but there are also orphans who are brought to this shelter by Senegal’s Ministry of Justice. Mothers and their children will stay at the shelter until it is agreed upon by themselves and the leaders that they have the confidence, strength, and skills they need to re-enter their communities, and orphans will stay til about 8 years old, when they are permitted by the government to enter a nursing home to be adopted. Their greatest tool is one called “Rapid Protection,” which is a 24/7 SMS system put in place by UNICEF that enables community members trained in child protection and this specific system (1,222 at this time to cover the 1.5 million people in this region) to be informants of abuse (physical, sexual, neglect, etc.) in their area. As soon as these cases have been reported through SMS, with the age and sex of the victim... (cont ↓)

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