Phone records scandal

National security committee starts questioning relevant actors

30.10.2012 u 12:04


The Domestic Policy and National Security parliamentary committee on Tuesday morning continued its closed session meeting, which started on Monday, to question the heads of the relevant institutions in regard to the phone records affair. According to unofficial reports, the first to be questioned will be recently displaced chief of the Office of the Council for National Security Petar Misevic.

The committee on Monday concluded that it would talk to the heads of all the relevant institutions that had submitted reports relating to the affair - Office of the Council for National Security and Technical Operational Centre and Police Directorate.

Committee chairman Miroslav Tudjman of the opposition Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) said on Tuesday that a direct inspection would be conducted in these institutions.

The meeting was convened to discuss "Headlines in the press about the misuse of covert information collection - discussion of reports received - 'strictly confidential'".